Monday, August 18, 2008

Dry Fasting and Dehydration

During dry fasting the body dehydrates but at at a very slow rate. As there is no need for water in the digestive process the need for water in the body during a dry fast is minimal. During dry fasting the entire body slows down as slow as it can go.

I suspect that when there is less metabolic activity, the immunes system is more effective. I say this without any research to back it except one peek through a dark-field microscope watching a b-lymphocyte in action as it enveloped a foreign particle shimmering with various colors as it change form. The blood was not moving as it was on a heated slide and what I was seeing was what would be occurring in the bloodstream. However with in the body, the blood would be moving with pressure changes and at high velocity and the war between the b-lymphocyte and the foreign particle would occurring in torrent of biological events on a wild roller coaster. I believe that lymphocytes, and other immunological functions would be more effective during dry fasting as there would be less biological activity within the body.
Dry Fasting Challenges

It is more physically uncomfortable that water fasting. Your digestive system is completely shut down and breaking a dry fast is crucial and the body is more sensitive. Urine discharges can be painful after two days of dry fasting due to the concentration of waste.
Dry Fasting Duration

I have heard of people doing 5-10 days on water fasting and claiming health benefits but I recommend 3 days maximum.
Ending a Dry Fast

You can end a dry fast by drinking water, juice or a small amount of juice fruit.
Dry Fasting Weight Loss

Dry fasting has the greatest rate of weight loss but much it is short term as the body will rehydrate quickly.
Dry Fasting Recommendations

Listen to your body during dry fasting. Do not push it if you are feeling pain or any stomach aches.
Dry Fasting Preparation

I recommend 3 to 5 days juice fasting then 1 to 2 days water in preperation for dry fasting.
Dry Fasting Benefits

I believe dry fasting would be very effective against Candida and virile infections.

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