Friday, October 16, 2009

4 simple ways to live like a champ

I think that everyone can approach life in away that makes them feel good, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

1. Find your Passion
Figure out your passion. Something that makes you really happy, not others, but that makes YOU happy as an individual. Now take this passion you have and embrace it! Make your passion a part of your daily living, and it will leave you with a sense of well being.

2. Set Goals
Make sure you are setting long term and short terms goals.
Long term can mean something you want to accomplish years from now, but that you can start inching away at day by day.

Short term goals are visions you want to accomplish in the near future. These types of goals keep you steady and focused, because they are approaching quickly and you have to revolve around them now.

Once you set your goals, make progress toward them. Be realistic when setting, but making it exciting enough that it can't be attained easily. You will be that much more fulfilled when you reach them!

3. Take Care of Yourself
It's fun to play, don't get me wrong, but it is equally important to take care of your body. Never do anything in excess (i.e. eating, drug use, alcohol, sleeping, exercise, etc.) You need to maintain BALANCE. Don't eat until your stuffed, eat until you are satisfied. Narcotics and alcohol are never good for your body, especially in excess. There is an ideal amount of sleep for everyone but basically 8 - 10 hrs. is sufficient, and it's not good to get to little sleep or too much sleep, because that can throw off your whole day.

To sum this category up. A balanced amount of everything is key.

4. Variety
Mix up the routine once in awhile. Variety keeps life interesting. Try a new book, rent a new movie, call a friend you haven't seen in awhile, research a topic your interested in, go try an exotic dish, or go on a vacation!

By having variety in your life, you keep your mind and body stimulated

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